ESC in Çanakkale (Turkije)
ESC in Çanakkale (Turkije)
Eastpackers has a unique ESC opportunity for you beyond the borders of Europe, in the magical country of Turkey.
With our partner Çanakkale Koza Youth Association in Turkey, you could help with the implementation of activities for different target groups such as the youth (especially socially and economically disadvantaged young adults), women, children and people with disabilities. A special focus is also put on the environmental issue.
As a volunteer, you would always work with a team and be supported in the implementation of your ideas/activities. The organization is also collaborating with the Municipality of Çanakkale, Çanakkale 18 Mart University, the City Council, some high schools and other organizations in order to be more impactful.
In this Introduction File, you can find information about the previous projects of the organization.
Alles over dit project
Waarom kiezen voor Eastpackers?
Eastpackers begeleidt Nederlandse jongeren kosteloos bij het vinden van een EU gefinancierd vrijwilligerswerkproject.
Ervaren mentoren die altijd voor je klaar staan.
Wij zijn flexibel: geen vaste deadlines, geen onzekerheid
Laag inschrijfgeld dat je terugkrijgt na je ESC project