ESC in Jerevan I (Armenië)


ESC in Jerevan I (Armenië)

The Volunteering Program at the Armenian Progressive Youth NGO is meant to engage youngsters in the management of the organization and in the community life of Yerevan. The Volunteers donate their professional skills and services as well as benefit from the resources of the organization for their professional and personal growth.

Volunteering is organised into four working groups:

  • Youth and media: movie making covering topics of Anti-discrimination, Tolerance, Gender issues, LGBT issues, Healthy lifestyle, etc.
  • Youth and environment: implementing eco-educative activities in schools, raising awareness of the need of recycling, etc.
  • PR group: campaigns on anti-discrimination, tolerance and social cohesion. Promoting the activities from the other working groups on the website, socials, etc.
  • Local events organising: implementing educative activities for youngsters from 16-25 years old

Within each working group there is space for your own initiatives.

Alles over dit project

Waarom kiezen voor Eastpackers?

  • Eastpackers begeleidt Nederlandse jongeren kosteloos bij het vinden van een EU gefinancierd vrijwilligerswerkproject.

  • Ervaren mentoren die altijd voor je klaar staan.

  • Wij zijn flexibel: geen vaste deadlines, geen onzekerheid

  • Laag inschrijfgeld dat je terugkrijgt na je ESC project
