ESC in Floresti (Roemenië)
ESC in Floresti (Roemenië)
At the Charis Foundation, we try to help a needful Roma community from a Christian (protestant) point of view. The organization is directed by a Dutch couple, so our team is Dutch/Romanian. The community that we are trying to help are living in circumstances influenced by poverty, abuse and a lack of prospect in their lives. We try to help this community in different ways, such as:
- Education; extra education to compensate for the limited support children get from their parents, as there is a high rate of illiteracy in our neighbourhood.
- Programs (weekly); Women’s program (singing together and encourage each other in their hard lifes) / children’s program (play games and dance/sing together) / teenage programs (guidance in the challenges of adolescence).
- Church (Sundays); Providing a safe space for the neighbourhood’s locals, who are very fond of our church.
We carry out these projects with an amazing team of Dutchies and Romanians. The atmosphere in our team is welcoming, we try to establish a close bond with the people we work with. The wellbeing of volunteers is of great importance to us, we want to make sure that you have a great time!
We are looking for volunteers that are able to do practical work at our foundation, as well as volunteers that are able to manage our social media and design. We can host 2 till 3 other volunteers at the time, but you will be able to meet a lot of other people as well throughout your time here. If you are interested, or want more information, please contact us,
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